
Fashion on the big screen

Film has always influenced fashion and fashion has always dictated the costumes of the characters. Let's remember Audrey Hepburn in a black Givenchy dress, Marilyn Monroe's white dress in the movie Seven Years of Scraps or Diane Keaton as Annie Hall. How the worlds of film and fashion intertwine can also be found on the new blog Style Me if You Can, written by Monica Parga, ...

Film has always influenced fashion and fashion has always dictated the costumes of the characters. Let's remember Audrey Hepburn in a black Givenchy dress, Marilyn Monroe's white dress in the movie Seven Years of Scraps or Diane Keaton as Annie Hall. How the worlds of film and fashion intertwine can also be found on the new blog Style Me if You Can, written by Monica Parga, author of the blog Miss at la Playa.


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