
Fall 2023 fashion item – timeless trench coat

Photo: zara.com
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It's time to re-embrace a classic fall fashion piece that has stood the test of time – the trench coat, which remains a firm favorite for both style and practicality.

Trench coat it's not just a piece of clothing – it's a symbol of style, versatility and timeless appeal. Whether you're on a budget or looking to invest in a high-end piece, a raincoat is a smart choice for the fall season. Its ability to adapt to different fashion trends and its status as an icon in the world of style make it a must-have item in every capsule wardrobe.

A versatile wardrobe essential

Once a military necessity, the trench coat has evolved into a fashion icon that spans all generations. With a history of about a century, it gracefully passed through various fashion phases and finally reached icon status, as a key piece of clothing in the transitional season. Whether you prefer a military-style coat or a modern, sleek design, there's one to suit every fashion taste.

Photo: zara.com

An iconic beige shade

When you think of a trench coat, chances are it comes in a recognizable shade of beige. This iconic color owes its popularity largely to the renowned fashion house Burberry, which launched it into the stars. Burberry's the trench coat has become synonymous with timeless elegance, and his influence left a lasting mark on fashionistas around the world. A beige raincoat is not just a fashion item; is a symbol of sophistication and lasting style.

Photo: zara.com

A staple of pop culture

The trench coat is not just a fashion icon; it's popular presence in pop culture. Can you think of a world-famous celebrity who you haven't spotted at least once in a beige raincoat? This versatile garment has also won the hearts of costume designers, appearing in countless film and television moments. With these memorable scenes and roles, the raincoat cemented its place in our collective style consciousness.

Styling for every occasion

One of the outstanding features of the trench coat is its adaptability. With double fastening and a belt, it allows for different style options. Leave it unbuttoned for a carefree, effortless look that exudes confidence, or cinch it at the waist for a sophisticated and flattering look. There is a trend in fashion this fall corporate style with a focus on structured office wear. Coats easily complement this trend and add a touch of style and sophistication to business attire such as dresses and pencil skirts.

Timeless appeal

A classic cut, a neutral shade that complements most of the colors of the autumn wardrobe, and a factor of lasting chic ensure that that the coat is an indispensable part of the wardrobe. It easily adapts to different styles, figures, genders and ages, making it popular among stylists and fashion experts. While modern editions of trench coats offer a variety of cuts, from cropped styles to classic skirts, the half-length coat remains the safest and most versatile choice for the perfect fall look.

Photo: zara.com

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