
Fashion, style, shopping

Everything you've always wanted to know about fashion, style and shopping and other important things in life. New lecture by Tomi Vugrinac, which is intended for all fashion lovers who need a bright light in the multitude of offers, rags, discounts, embarrassments and wrong purchases...

Important information
G Design Hotel, Tržaška 330, Ljubljana, , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
10 EUR

Everything you've always wanted to know about fashion, style, shopping, and other important things in life

A new lecture by Tomi Vugrinec, which is intended for all fashion lovers who need a bright light in the multitude of offers, rags, discounts, embarrassments and wrong purchases...

1. LECTURE - FASHION: Tuesday, 22 January 2013
2. LECTURE - STYLE: 5 February 2013

3. LECTURE - SHOPPING: Tuesday, February 19, 2013

More about the lecture at http://www.eventio.si/sl/component/content/article/224-modal

Lecturer Tomi Vugrinec was born in Koper, although he has been living and working in Vidmo (Italy) for several years. Graduated graphic artist and Libra according to the horoscope, has always been involved in everything related to art and fashion.

The entrance fee for an individual lecture is 10 EUR.


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