
A fashion trend for autumn 2017 is crocs with fur

The fashion industry allows designers to unleash their imagination. And that's exactly what Scottish fashion designer Christopher Kane did at the fashion show at London Fashion Week, where he put 'crocs' with fur.

Do you still remember the not so fashionable "crocs" in appearance marble and with shiny stones, who made their catwalk debut at the Spring 2017 fashion show? Well, a Scottish fashion designer Christopher Kane is at this year's London Fashion Week for autumn 2017 presented 'crocs' with fur. With this, he announced the trend for autumn 2017.

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'Crocos' with fur are a fashion trend for autumn 2017!
'Crocos' with fur are a fashion trend for autumn 2017!

Furry 'crocodiles', which otherwise cost money 325 euros, are already sold out. But you still can buy their predecessors, marble 'crocs' with pebbles. Christopher Kane also delivers to Slovenia.

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