
Fashion Week in Ajdovščina

The youth center Hiša mladih in Ajdovščina is organizing the second Fashion Week, which will take place from May 21 to 26. The youth center, which quickly became the center of events and urban culture for Ajvo's youth, has prepared a multi-day event that will be entirely dedicated to fashion and everything related to it. As part of the Week...

The youth center Hiša mladih in Ajdovščina is organizing the second Fashion Week, which will take place from May 21 to 26. The youth center, which quickly became the center of events and urban culture for Ajvo's youth, has prepared a multi-day event that will be entirely dedicated to fashion and everything related to it. As part of the Fashion Week, we will be able to attend a round table where Slovenian bloggers will chat about current topics in the fashion world, see exhibitions of fashion accessories and jewelry, visit the Vintage picnic or the Art market, create at workshops and admire the latest collections of young designers at fashion shows.


Youth center and hotel Ajdovščina, Cesta IV. pokomorske 61 a, Ajdovščina and www.mc-hisamladih.si

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