
FAST: The Chinese with the largest telescope to hunt for aliens

FAST - the largest radio telescope in the world

The Chinese have a clear message for the Aliens. "You can run, but you can't hide!" In the Chinese province of Guizhou, a 500-meter spherical radio telescope recently began operating, taking over the status of the largest from the Arecibo observatory in Puerto Rico. It will survey as much as twice the area of the sky, and the parabolic dish will be used to study the universe and search for intelligent life outside our galaxy, and astronomers hope that it will also fill the gaps in the knowledge and understanding of our planet.

Earth strengthened its own hunting aliens, as she armed herself with the largest space 'eavesdropping device' to date. The Chinese they built the largest telescope in the world. What 500-meter spherical radio telescope, which has three to five times more sensitivity than the previous record holder, the 300-meter Arecibo (he was the star of the James Bond film Goldeneye), in addition detecting radio signals from billions of light-years away also enables observing new galaxies, neutron stars, extrasolar planets and pulsars. If there are any signs of life 'out there', this telescope will almost certainly detect them.

Bulky FAST.
Bulky FAST

165-Million Spherical Telescope Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was built from in 2011, hears the name FAST (Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope). It is located in the southwestern Chinese province of Guizhou (1,600 kilometers from the capital Beijing) in a natural basin, and it partly cuts into the mountain slope. Because electromagnetic waves the telescopes had to relocate 10,000 inhabitants within a radius of five kilometers, as they could interfere with the waves.

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So China entered the high-flying the space race, as it wants to establish itself as a space superpower, which until now they have only been considered USA and Russia. Their wish is to build a space station by 2020 (the project is already underway) and send a Chinese astronaut to the moon by 2036.

The world's largest radio telescope FAST:

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