
The bride's father fairly charged the wedding guests with the wedding cake

Wedding Cake Prank

Ah, you parents! They embarrass us in front of others all our lives! When Andy Todd launched into his speech at his daughter's wedding, no one expected him to have something up his sleeve. Well, maybe, because in his hands he grabbed a whole bunch of papers, listed with a celebratory speech. But the speech turned out to be a smoke bomb. In fact, he had three up his sleeve, with which he first shocked and then made the bride and the audience laugh.

Wedding speeches everyone does it differently. Some are relaxed, others grumpy, still others serious, long and boring. It seemed that the Briton's speech would be as well Andy Todd, who was a witness at his daughter's wedding. But after he took in his hands a bunch of papers with a ceremonial speech or tip, he couldn't pass up the temptation wedding cakes, who was standing not far away.

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The cake remained whole.
The cake remained whole.

As long as she has picked up nonchalantly, left the guests breathless, but then it came true every bride's worst nightmare (well, the second worst, the first remains the escape of the groom). The cake clattered to the floor. But the shrewd father didn't really ruin the wedding, either with his (too) long speech or his clumsiness. The whole thing was played, and the cake she wasn't right. The law was safely placed at the other end of the room, far from his hands. In the end, they are like that guests as the bride could take a deep breath and the shock was quickly replaced by laughter. Has your father ever teased you like that?

When a wedding goes awry:

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