

The theatrical spectacle of the Romanian director Silvio Purcarete is a work that reveals all the director's qualities that made him a European phenomenon. The power of the play, based on the motifs of Goethe's classic drama from the 19th century, lies above all in the extraordinary wealth of visual images, which make words no longer necessary...

Important information
TVT Boris Kidrič, Preradovičeva 44, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 10 to 17 euros

The theatrical spectacle of the Romanian director Silvio Purcarete is a work that reveals all the director's qualities that made him a European phenomenon. The power of the performance, based on the motifs of Goethe's classic drama from the 19th century, lies above all in the extraordinary wealth of visual images, due to which words are no longer necessary in addition to the hundreds of performers, with whom the audience also interacts directly.

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