
FBI Agent Reveals: This Is How You Increase Your Attractiveness By 200 %

FBI Agent Reveals: This Is How You Increase Your Attractiveness By 200 %

These are professional seduction techniques used by female agents of the infamous FBI!

Genuine attraction is not so much a matter of appearance, as it is more of an individual's behavior. dr. Jack Schafer, former FBI agent, reveals how to increase your attractiveness by 200 %. His methods have been used by the US intelligence services for more than 20 years, but recently they also came to the public.

Head tilt. Have you ever noticed that women tend to tilt their heads to the side more than men? A tilt of the head conveys a certain amount of confidence, and in the animal world, a tilt of the head is something cute and endearing.
Use your eyebrows. A slight raising of the eyebrows is perceived by others as a sign of openness and friendliness. But you have to be very careful here, because raising your eyebrows excessively can give the impression that you are patronizing.

Laugh with a look. People are quick to distinguish a genuine smile from a forced one. The first is more in the function of the area around the eyes than our lips. A genuine smile causes slight wrinkles around the eyes.
Use whisper in conversation. If we occasionally use a whisper in a conversation, we increase intimacy in communication. Of course, it is necessary to correctly determine which words to whisper. Otherwise, we can quickly act weird or even scary.

Encourage the interlocutor to brag.
Encourage the interlocutor to brag.

Encourage the interlocutor to brag. The best way to compliment is to lead the conversation in such a way that the interlocutor compliments himself. You can encourage this by asking him/her “How did you do that? Did you really do it yourself?”
Watch for eye contact. Eye contact is a great booster or inhibitor of attraction. If you want a certain person to like you, invite them to a room where the light will be slightly dimmed. This will make your pupils dilate, which will increase your attractiveness.

Occasionally touch the interlocutor. An occasional, "accidental" touch from the interlocutor can greatly increase your chances (whatever you're rooting for).
Be frank. Honesty and sharing of personal, intimate experiences leads to greater intimacy with the interlocutor. This, in turn, affects how attractive we are to others.

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