
Fear of public speaking: how to overcome stage fright and speak in front of the public

Photo: envato

Have you ever stood in front of a group of people and felt your heart race, your hands shake, and your voice become hoarse? If you are, then you know how difficult it is to manage your fear of public speaking.

Fear before public speaking is a common phenomenon experienced by many people.

There are several reasons why this fear arises. Some people may have had a negative experience of performing in front of others as a child, which may have left a traumatic impression. Others may experience some type of social anxiety, which manifests itself mainly in situations where they have to expose themselves in front of others.

The fear of public speaking can also come from the fear of being judged by others, because in public speaking people expose themselves to the criticism and judgments of others.

Some, however, simply do not have enough experience with public speaking and therefore feel uncomfortable when they find themselves in such a situation. Whatever the reason, there are ways to manage your fear of public speaking.

Let's see how you can process such situations more easily.

1. Preparation

Preparation is key to overcoming the fear of public speaking. First, you need to review the material you are going to present and prepare accordingly for possible questions or challenges from the audience. It is recommended that you also imagine the worst possible scenario and think about how you would deal with it. If you prepare well, you will be confident and calm during the performance.

Are you afraid of public speaking? Photo: Monica Silvestre / Pexels

2. Exercise

Practicing a presentation or speech is crucial if you want to avoid fear of public speaking. This will make you more confident and you will feel better during the presentation itself. Try to practice your presentation in the room where you will actually perform. In this way, you will become more familiar with the environment and it will be easier for you to focus on your speech.

3. Relaxation techniques

There are several relaxation techniques you can use before a performance to calm down and reduce stress. An effective breathing technique involves deep inhalation through the nose and slow exhalation through the mouth. In addition, you can do some physical exercises like stretching, walking or running before you perform. This can help relax the body and reduce tension.

4. Mental preparation is also important

Visualize a successful performance and focus on positive experiences. This can help increase self-confidence and reduce fear of public speaking.

Overcome the fear. Photo: Fauxels / Pexels

5. Speak slowly and clearly

Speak slowly and clearly to avoid speaking too quickly or using confusing words. This can reduce stress and help you focus. Use simple language and avoid heavy technical terms if your audience is not an expert.

6. Use visual aids

Using visual aids such as slides or charts can help reduce anxiety and help you focus on the content of your presentation. Visual aids can also help your audience follow your speech better.

7. Listen to music

Listening to soothing music before a performance can help reduce stress and anxiety. Choose music that you soothes and relaxes, and listen before the performance to calm down.

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