
Feel Good - sustainable holidays in Germany

Mescherin, canoeing on the Oder © DZT/ Florian Trykowski

The German Tourist Board (DZT) is in favor of the campaign Feel Good 2021 in close cooperation with regional tourism organizations and independent experts for sustainable development, expanded the climate and environment-friendly tourist offer. This covers cities and regions as well as accommodation and experiences.


To make it easier to navigate the holiday experiences, they are divided into four clusters: Active in nature, Discover and experience, Responsible consumption and Sustainable experiences in the city.

Active in nature

Wolf migrations in Lower Saxony

On guided tours and hikes in areas where wolves live, visitors get up close to this fascinating animal species and learn about wolf behavior and habitat, as well as possible conflicts between humans and wolves. With a bit of luck, we can also find some traces or other signs that it was there before during the tours the wolf walked.

Project Forestry in Posar (Waldwerken im Saarland)

The project received special recognition within the decade biodiversity of the United Nations. Participants make chairs or other everyday objects from local wood. No prior knowledge is required; participants only need to have a love for nature and a desire to create. The wild wood is left in the form in which it grew; thus, with its unique image, it gives each piece of furniture its own character. When the wildwood chair is finished, participants plant new replacement trees, ensuring the sustainability and well-being of the forest.

River trip in Brandenburg

The river can be experienced in many ways. It is one of the most beautiful for sure canoeing, during which we can peacefully view the biodiversity of the flood plain by the river. Frauke Bennett, a certified landscape guide, works in Brandenburg. It also tells them a lot about the local flora and fauna.

Bienenstraße adventure trail

The adventure trail in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state offers numerous tours on the topic of bees and their importance for nature, cultural landscape, sustainable tourism, biodiversity and regional marketing. Without insects, our cultural landscapes would not be what they are. However, bees and their winged friends are under serious threat. On "bee tours" visitors learn why this is so and how everyone can contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.

Know and experience

Eifel Star Park, North Rhine-Westphalia

In many places around the world, we can no longer see the stars and constellations well. Eifel National Park in the densely populated federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia is an exception. The protected area was designated the first International Dark Sky Park in Germany by the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) in 2014. On guided hikes and astronomy workshops, visitors learn about the starry sky, which can be seen extremely clearly from there.

Havelberg river house in Saxony-Anhalt

It is dedicated to the river system Labe and Havela and the local flood plains, habitats with associated fauna and flora, and human intervention in nature. Visitors also get information there about the global network of UNESCO biosphere reserves and the European network of protected areas NATURA 2000. The House of Rivers thus represents a place for raising awareness and education with the help of the latest multimedia and interactive technologies, but it is also an excellent starting point for independent exploration of the biosphere reserve.

Climate Arena Sinsheim (Baden-Wuerttemberg)

This is a place where we intensively get to know ourselves and the present, but above all, our future. It is a temple of knowledge that encourages learning, creativity and understanding. Thanks to digital technologies, it is Klima Arena also a space for discussions and experiences where key social issues in the field of climate change and sustainability are addressed.

House of Sustainability (Johanniskreuz, Rhineland-Palatinate)

The House of Sustainability is like the consumer center of the German part of the biosphere reserve Palatinate Forest - Northern Vosges. Temporary exhibitions, films, a 3D landscape model, numerous events, beautifully landscaped surroundings and an environmentally friendly, economical wooden house concretely show how everyone can bring some sustainability into their lives.

Arche Warder landscape and animal park

In the heart of Schleswig-Holstein, animals are bred in a way that suits each species. The ones there rare species of domestic and farm animals are suitable for interacting with people. An animal park is an alternative to zoos. It is tailored to individual animal species, and its purpose is to protect and preserve the genetic diversity and genetic resources of animals as an irreplaceable legacy for future generations.

Leuchtenburg Foundation (Thuringia)

At the Leuchtenburg Foundation, they are not only committed to conservation of the old castle with the walls and cultural revitalization of the castle complex. To the best of their ability, they also contribute to the preservation of the beautiful nature and environment. That is why they have developed a sustainable concept, which they follow and constantly develop.


The Hessenpark is the central open-air museum in the federal state of Hessen. It shows everyday life and festive customs in villages and small towns from the 17th century to the 1980s of the last century. The most diverse ways of building and living as well as crafts, agriculture and household work are presented, from the pre-industrial era through the introduction of early machines to modern technologies.

Responsible consumption

Ethos Winegrowers Association

The association in Bavaria consists of thirteen young winemakers from Franconia. Members of the Ethos Society describe themselves as "young winemakers with young, fresh ideas" </strong> who want to pass on the legacy of their parents to their descendants in an equally good or even better condition. Vineyards should not be seen only as usable areas, but as an ecosystem whose biodiversity must be preserved.

Sustainable experiences in the city

Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8 ° Ost

That is a unique center of knowledge and experiences on the topic of climate, climate change and weather. It plays a pioneering role in this field on a global scale. There, visitors embark on a world tour at the 8° E meridian and experience Earth's climates in an exciting and first-hand way. Through heat and cold, with wide-open eyes and mouths, they travel five continents and visit nine places and listen to the life stories of people from all over the world, who also tell how the local climate shapes their everyday life.

Green Kayak

Green Kayak offers you a free and environmentally friendly tour of Hamburg, right from the water. You can rent a canoe for free at various stations along the river Alster. In exchange for renting a boat, rowers pick up trash from the water. Green Kayak thus elegantly combines the pleasant with the useful: it offers visitors a pleasant experience on the water, while at the same time giving them the opportunity to help protect the environment.

Transparent factory (Dresden, Saxony)

The transparent factory is Volkswagen's first vehicle assembly plant, which has been converted to exclusively electric vehicles. The plant was designed with the aim of connecting the innovative automotive industry with the values of traditional manufactures and becoming a communication center with its open, transparent architecture. Today, the factory offers an interesting insight into the world of climate-neutral mobility.

Circular Economy Tour in Berlin

At various stops on the guided tour, you will get to know the creative scene of the capital's circular economy. These are the people who make changes and lead us step by step in the direction of more sustainable future – without waste, with less overproduction and more connection between people.

German tourist organization

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