
Feher ACH-1: the world's first air-conditioned helmet

Feher ACH-1

It has already happened countless times that in the worst heat, motorists look with envy towards the cabins of cars in which the air conditioner does its job and provides passengers with a cooler and more comfortable environment. Now that doesn't have to be the case anymore, as we got the world's first helmet with a built-in 'air conditioner'. The Feher ACH-1 helmet will keep your head cool even on the hottest summer days.

Every motorcyclist wonders on a hot summer day whether it is better to have the visor open so that the wind cools it down at least a little, or whether it is better to suffer the heat and not have a close encounter with flying insects. This question is no longer relevant, as we only got a helmet that has a built-in air conditioner. A helmet Feher ACH-1 has on the back integrated air conditioning and is equipped with everything you need to connect it to the engine battery. The helmet uses similar technology as it uses Bentley or Ferrari for cooling seats. Feher's Tubular Spacer Fabric System evenly distributes cool air around the inside of the helmet.

The climate helmet does not work on the principle of blowing cold air, but strives to lowers the temperature inside the helmet, with the help of the aforementioned cooling technology. The helmet can cool the air inside to a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees lower than the outside temperature. When the head is cooled, the body will not heat up as much or will heat up significantly slower. The helmet is also suitable for use in bad weather, but Feher does not advise you to do so anyway, at least when it comes to use during heavy downpours.

Feher ACH-1
Feher ACH-1

Conventional air conditioners are not small in weight, and the one in the helmet, according to this reasoning, cannot be much better. But fortunately, this is not the case. Despite the air conditioner, the helmet is still completely functional and weighs only 1,450 grams. The helmet was constructed with a purpose, that it will have a cooling device attached and it's not just an existing helmet that you simply stick some technology on. The helmet is made of solid and proven composites and has everything you need certificates. The world's first air-conditioned helmet can be ordered online, but it will cost a fortune 599 US dollars. It can be painted in a matte or shiny color, and when purchased, it is already equipped with a transparent visor that has an anti-fog and anti-scratch coating. You will also get a backpack for easier carrying of the helmet.

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