
When a woman cries "for no reason"

"Crying will free your mind from sad thoughts." - Native American wisdom

No one cries for no reason. Crying expresses sadness and pain. Loneliness.

Read the excerpt from the book: I whisper to you as a woman to a woman, author Sarah Sabri.

I once listened to a worried husband complain that his wife sometimes cries for no reason. "Something just builds up in her and she cries. I took her to the doctor to see if someone had done something to her or if there was something wrong."

I am writing on this occasion to all men whose women "they cry for no reason". No one cries for no reason. If a woman is crying "for no reason" and you are worried about what is wrong with her, first ask yourself if maybe she is crying because of you.

You think why would she cry because of you?! What she lacks, she has everything, you work, she lazes with the children, she has everything she wants! And why should it be your fault?

Usually, women who "cry for no reason" are actually crying because they are burdened with everyday small reasons that accumulate in them and then periodically burst out through tears: dissatisfaction with life, insufficient attention from her husband (remember that she married you , not with your house).

How many words do you exchange per day? Know that there are married couples who can't even say four sentences to each other during the day. Where is the conversation, dialogue, nice word, kiss, hug, shared minutes, walk, meal?

What should I say about women who "cry for no reason" because they noticed that their husband is constantly on the computer, that he hides his phone, that he spends more time online than with her?

It seems to me that nothing can degrade a woman more spiritually, kill her will to the beauty of everyday life, than her husband's superficial relationship with her.

And there is no anguish and pain she cannot overcome if he gives her enough of himself. For God's sake, let's get married to be with each other. If we lack those daily doses of love, daily doses of each other, marriage begins to wither like a plant - withers and withers.

And then we live parallel lives, each on its own side, but under one roof. In fact, no one is with anyone and everyone is unhappy.

Think about it when you notice that men are silent and withdraw into themselves, and when you notice that your wives cry "for no reason".

No one cries for no reason.

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