
Feng Shui: Be careful where you place the clock in your home

Photo: envato

When you put the clock on the wall, you may have wondered if you attached it to the right side. A site that brings you what you want or need. According to the concept of Feng Shui, every thing carries a certain symbolism, so if you want to improve your financial situation, pay special attention to where you place the clock in your home.

Clocks are a powerful talisman of financial well-being, but only in certain places in the house they attract the energy of money.

By hanging a watch on the south wall houses or flats, you will ensure rapid career growth, salary increase, favor of superiors and success in business.

May the watch bring you luck. Photo: Samantha Gades/Unsplash

Clock set in the western part apartments, will bring inspiration, creative energy and, as a result, business luck.

Hour on the north wall it helps the owners to meet their love or to bring family well-being back to the house.

A clock that hangs on the east side house, will improve the health of all household members.

However, in addition to these simple rules, there is one more important thing to keep in mind!

It is important that you really like the watch. That's why never do not rush to choose it, because you intend to decorate your home with it. Buy only the one that perfectly fits the interior of your home.

Choose a watch that you really like. Photo: Noah Silliman/Unsplash

If you are an hour received as a gift from people who are not close to you, it is best to simply give it away or sell it.

Keeping broken watches in the house is strictly prohibited. It is believed that your business and emotional life will deteriorate because of it. And that is until you get rid of it or throw it away.

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