
Feng Shui Warning: If you have this in your house, you attract financial problems and bad luck

Be careful: these things bring bad energy into your home.

Bad energy can accumulate in homes like dust. There is stuck, negative or stuffy energy, energy from previous bad events, and energy created by dirt and clutter. The energy it creates a mess, causes fatigue, excess weight, attachment to the past, digestive problems, confusion, procrastination, arguments, depression...

Did you know that you can determine the health of the entire family by the appearance of the kitchen? From the appearance of the dining room, communication in the family, from the appearance of the living room, the social life of family members.

What does the mess on your desk tell you?

Findings based on the disorder in some parts of the home (broken, broken, old things, mold, dampness, poor condition of the walls) in relation to their useful function can bring problems in some aspects of life.

A mess in the basement

It represents your subconscious, unresolved issues from the past, delays in resolving difficult situations, a dark family secret, poor communication between siblings, and unresolved legal disputes.

A mess in the attic

It represents your ideas and future; if it is a mess, your desires and possibilities are limited, the future is blocked and there is fear of it.

A mess in the drawers

Disorder brings depression in them, and laziness in the workplace.

A mess in front of the entrance

Prevented life progress, unnecessary efforts, bad communication, cough.

A mess in the corridors

Problems with veins, arteries and circulation.

A mess in the kitchen

Health problems

A mess in the fridge

Problems with finances.

Mess under the bed

Chronic fatigue, restless sleep, inability to conceive.

Your kitchen represents your health.

A mess in the closets

A disordered life, a disordered mind, dissatisfaction, inability to move.

A mess on the cupboards

Accumulated problems are waiting for you to solve them, headaches.

Clutter in the pantry/shed

A hidden problem.

A mess in the bathroom

Inner fears.

A mess in the living room

Weak social life, weak spirituality.

A mess in the garage

You are limited, you have no freedom in life.

A mess on the stairs

Inability of personal development.

A mess on the desk

It is difficult for you to finish the work you have started.

A mess on the floor

Your finances (a lot of boxes on the floor, books and other things, prevent the flow of money through the property).

Purity is close to divinity. The biggest transformation comes when it is thoroughly groomed and cleaned.

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