
FerFud: The fairest culinary experience on Slovenian streets

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The young chef Mitja Horvat and his loyal assistant Janez Karlin started their great culinary adventure in Slovenia. The FerFud "foodtruck", which offers quality street food, parked at the Ljubljana market and for the first time served visitors fine bites at a fair price. For all those who were unable to attend the culinary event, we present a list of locations and events where you can enjoy FerFud treats in the future.

FerFood is brand new culinary experience, which will be offered at various locations across Slovenia nice bites after fair price. It is also the realization of the dream of two fresh faces on to the Slovenian culinary sceneMitje and John, who prepare street bites with a passion for revival traditional Slovenian dishes, in a cool, urban way. They want to bring street food lovers closer quality cuisine at a fair price. However, since it is fair to create good for others as well, all proceeds will be used to support the project Botrstvo v Slovenije.

They recently did FerFood "foodtruck" parked at Ljubljana market and impressed visitors with refined tastes, quality and an innovative payment method. We pay as much as we want, or with #FerFud publication on Facebook and Twitter. We will be recognizable in the next few days blue truck may also notice:

  • on Friday, June 12, at 11 a.m. at the Šiška Cinema,
  • on Saturday, June 13, at 3 p.m. in Loke, at Straža pri Novem mesto,
  • on Sunday, June 14, at 11 a.m. in Ljubljana's BTC.

The list locations and events where refreshments will be available fine bites at a fair price, it will be replenished and refreshed. It will be in every location FerFood served approximately 250 portions daily.

Enthusiasts of street bites, lovers of traditional Slovenian dishes and those who keep up with trends and search for good things for others will be able to FerFood monitored on Ferfud website, FerFud Facebook pages or @FerFud to Twitter.

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