
Ferrari F12 Caballería by Bengala – when a regular Ferrari isn't enough

Ferrari F12 Caballería by Bengala

If a regular Ferrari doesn't seem exclusive enough, consider a converted Ferrari, the Ferrari F12 Caballería, built by Madrid-based Bengala Automotive Design and modeled after the GT3 series.

Boutique Spanish designer Bengal he reworked the Ferrari model F12 Berlinetta. Inspiration for the version Ferrari F12 Caballería were searched for vehicles from the series GT3. It is mostly manufactured from carbon fiber and full of beauty additives that make it all the more toxic.

READ MORE: Ferrari GTC4Lusso = "family" Ferrari

The redesigned Ferrari F12 Berlinetta is even more aggressive than the original.
The redesigned Ferrari F12 Berlinetta is even more aggressive than the original.

But you will have to be really lucky to get it, because the production of the special s 6.3 liter V 12 engine, which squeezes out of itself 731 horses, will be limited to only 10 vehicles! They will deliver it to you in the summer of 2017.

Gallery – Ferrari F12 Caballería by Bengala:

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