
Ferrari F80 – Ferrari that can run at 500 km/h!

Ferrari F80

The Ferrari F80 is a bold concept by the independent Italian designer Adriano Raeli, with which he wanted to get as close as possible to the standards of Ferrari and Pininfarina. You can check whether he succeeded below.

Designed Adriano Raeli has produced an attractive concept Ferrari F80, which combines elements of Ferrari and Pininfarina, which sees it in the role of the successor to the Ferrari LaFerrari. The supercar was inspired by the project NGAD (a military aircraft development program) and futuristic paintings by painters such as Umberto Boccioni.

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The Ferrari F80 has a top speed of 500 km/h!
The Ferrari F80 has a top speed of 500 km/h!

Like a 19th-century artist's paintings, the Ferrari F80 gives a sense of movement even though it is at rest. He is dressed in carbon fiber, drives it biturbo V8 engine with 1200 'crows' and has a system Because for energy storage and release. Weighs tiny 800 kilograms. The two-seater can accelerate from zero to 100 km/h in just 2.2 seconds, and the top speed is as much as 498.9 km/h!

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