FM4 Frequency Festival 2017 will take place between 15 and 17 August 2017 in Austria. It is the largest "alternative/indie/pop/punk/rock/electronic/dance" music festival on Austrian soil, which has more than ten years of tradition behind it. This year, Billy Talent, Mumford & Sons and Placebo will perform on the stages of the FM4 Frequency Festival, among others. Tickets are already on sale.
FM4 Frequency Festival is one of the največjih avstrijskih glasbenih festivalov, ki se lahko pohvali z izjemno diverziteto glasbenih zvrsti – tam je namreč moč prisluhniti največjim izvajalcem alternative, indie, pop, punk, rock, electronic in dance glasbe. FM4 Frequency Festival 2017 will be held od 15. do 17. avgusta 2017 in Sankt Pöltnu v Avstriji. Festival, ki je svoje prve korake naredil leta 2001, je na odru med drugimi gostil glasbene zvezde, kot so R.E.M., Radiohead, Muse, Massive Attack, System of a Down, Queens of the Stone Age in Nine Inch Nails.
This summer bodo množico festivalskih navdušencev zabavali Billy Talent, The Offspring, Bilderbuch, Placebo, Robin Schulz, Mumford & Sons, Rise Against, Band of Horses, A grammarian and many others. Vstopnice za nepozabno zabavo so already on sale. You can read more about the event at this link.
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