
Haip 10 Festival / New Nature

About the festival The biennial festival, which remains socially relevant even in its fourth edition, deals with topics and highlights issues in the field of intermedial art and the latest communication technologies. International Festival...

Important information
Kiberpipa multimedia center, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

About the festival

The biennial festival, which remains socially relevant even in its fourth edition, deals with topics and highlights issues in the field of intermedial art and the latest communication technologies. International festival HAIP presents the works of young promising as well as established artists, theorists, creative engineers and groups.

You will be able to see it at the festival exhibition, performances, lectures, attended workshops and at the end of the festival enjoyed club night in K4 club.

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Festival theme: New nature

Through the development of a new nature, which is also a potential starting point for the development of a new artistic expression, we are interested both on a theoretical and empirical level in a multimedia quantum/chemically generated nanosystem - an (in)organic kinetic nanocybernetic sculpture that already has performative properties in itself. Let the immediacy of this experience through the expansion of perception in the union of scientific discoveries and in the visual communication of multimedia artistic expression, when the patents/formulas/systems/data of these researches, be offered further for potential (co)development and (co)use to like-minded authors of intermediate art , which is the main condition for the establishment of quality artistic production, with which we contribute to the development, pluralization and expansion of intermediate cultural and artistic fields.

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Authors who will present themselves at the festival:

Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand, Netherlands
Gilberto Esparza, Mexico
Paul Prudence, Great Britain 
Verena Friedriech, Germany
Marko Batista and Nataša Muševič, Slovenia
BridA (Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica, Tom Kerševan), Slovenia
dr. Marc Dusseiller, Switzerland
dr. Andrea Bandelli, Italy/Netherlands
Sascha Pohflepp and Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, Germany/UK
Herwig Weiser, Germany
Saša Spačal, Slovenia
Špela Petrič and Dr. Andrej Meglič, Slovenia

The festival is organized by Kiberpipa, a multimedia center.




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