
Festival of Education

The day, dedicated both to employers who would like to find the best employees, as well as to individuals who are looking for the best job and also to students and schoolchildren who will become some of both, will also take place in Celje. On this day, we can take advantage of the flood of information that...

Important information
Celje Fair, Dečkova 1, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Dan, posvečen tako delodajalcem, ki bi radi prišli do najboljših sodelavcev, kakor tudi posameznikom, ki iščejo najboljšo zaposlitev in tudi študentom in šolarjem, ki bodo nekaj od obojega še postali, bo potekal tudi v Celju. Na ta dan lahko izkoristimo poplavo informacij, ki nam jih bo nudil organizator na enem mestu. Morda ugotovimo, da nas v naši okolici čaka ogromno priložnosti, za katere sploh nismo vedeli.

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