
Festival Krka – izvir ustvarjalnosti z Alenko Godec

Vabimo vas na koncert večno zelenih melodij z vrhunsko vokalistko Alenko Godec in pianistom Miranom Juvanom. Koncert bo v okviru festivala Krka, to soboto 16. 7. 2011 ob 20:00 v Družbenem centru Krka.Alenka Godec bo nastopila na Festivalu Krka s pianistom Miranom Juvanom. Ob spremljavi klavirja se bo sprehodila med ...

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Vabimo vas na koncert večno zelenih melodij z vrhunsko vokalistko Alenko Godec in pianistom Miranom Juvanom. Koncert bo v okviru festivala Krka, to soboto 16. 7. 2011 ob 20:00 v Družbenem centru Krka.
Alenka Godec will perform at the Krka Festival with pianist Miran Juvan. Accompanied by the piano, she will walk among the most beautiful Slovenian songs in a different, more intimate way. She will present most of the songs from both albums The most beautiful songs have already been written, as well as some others.
Ticket sales: one hour before the event at the venue.
You are welcome

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