
Festival of handicrafts in Bled

Festival of handicrafts

In Slovenia, there are more and more excellent creators of handicrafts and quality producers of materials, which is why they decided to organize the first three-day Festival of handicrafts, which we will be able to visit between September 25 and 27. With a common story, they want to present themselves to the general public and contribute to raising awareness of the value of hand-made products.

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Bled Festival Hall
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

Among the main objectives Festival of Handicrafts is the integration of creators of handmade products, suppliers of materials and the general public, so the organizers want to prepare the first integrated event in Slovenia, which, in addition to exhibitions and sales, will also offer a variety of workshops with new techniques of creation, a round table on pressing questions on the subject of handicrafts in our country and a variety of other accompanying events. In less than a month, the organizers managed to fill the exhibition corners in the Bled Festival Hall, so they are expanding with external stands to provide visitors with a high-quality and rich offer.

The Festival of Handicrafts will feature the creators of hand-made knitwear, crocheted clothes, patchwork, home accessories, hand-felted products, unique hand-woven products, interesting didactic toys and other useful products for children, hand-made jewelry, useful and decorative ceramics and products from wood. Providers of materials for knitting, crocheting, embroidery, sewing, making tapestries and patchwork, as well as providers of magazines and books on manual creation will also participate.

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