
The Open House of Slovenia 2020 festival will delight the general public for the eleventh time in September

Attic apartment Tivolska, Kombinat doo / 2018 (Photo: Janez Marolt)

Between September 25 and 27, 2020, the eleventh Open House of Slovenia festival will take place. More than 80 private and public buildings and spatial arrangements in various locations across Slovenia will be on display.

Important information
Various locations in Slovenia
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Presented projects that we will be able to see at the festival Open houses of Slovenia 2020, they show the highest quality architectural production of the last few years. Some older buildings will also be open for viewing, which with their appearance and social role significantly contribute to the formation of the Slovenian architectural landscape.

Islamic religious and cultural center, Bevk-Perović architects / 2020. (Photo: David Schreyer)
Islamic religious and cultural center, Bevk-Perović architects / 2020. (Photo: David Schreyer)

The theme of this year's festival is "Architecture for future generations", which is becoming more and more relevant nowadays, as we are faced with various situations in which we question our established way of living, use of space, planning of buildings, etc. This year there will be a greater emphasis on public and educational facilities, which indicate that more and more investments are being made in the arrangement of the common space. They will also present something award-winning facilities and external arrangements. The entire program of projects that will be presented at this year's festival can be found at OHS website.

The new gym of Vižmarje-Brod Primary School, Rok Žnidaršič / Žiga Ravnikar (Photo: Miran Kambič)
The new gym of Vižmarje-Brod Primary School, Rok Žnidaršič / Žiga Ravnikar (Photo: Miran Kambič)
Music school Šoštanj, Mojca Gregorski / Mitja Kajzelj / Matic Lasič (Photo: Miran Kambič)
Music school Šoštanj, Mojca Gregorski / Mitja Kajzelj / Matic Lasič (Photo: Miran Kambič)
HF House, Petra Hudobivnik Florjančič / Pandas doo (Photo: Bureau Archive)
HF House, Petra Hudobivnik Florjančič / Pandas doo (Photo: Bureau Archive)
Attic apartment Tivolska, Kombinat doo / 2018 (Photo: Janez Marolt)
Attic apartment Tivolska, Kombinat doo / 2018 (Photo: Janez Marolt)

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