
Photonic Moments Festival - Month of Photography

In June, a new edition of the Photonic Moments festival is coming to Ljubljana - The Month of Photography. Every two years, it brings a series of exhibitions, lectures, screenings, workshops...

Important information
Kult3000, Galerija Photon and other locations around Ljubljana, including Kamnik
Facebook event
Entrance fee
All events within the festival are free

Photonic moments festival is aimed at researching and promoting current trends in contemporary photography with a focus on production from Central and Southeastern Europe. Around May and June will be on display thirty solo and group exhibitions. These will be complemented by screenings, workshops, lectures...

About thirty individual and group exhibitions will be on display.
About thirty individual and group exhibitions will be on display.

Among the events it is worth mentioning Zipped Worlds, which is a project of two partners (Center for Contemporary Photography Photon and Trieste Contemporanea), through which the curatorial group explores new concepts of public and private as conveyed through the current use of photographic images. Fifteen authors and author groups from different European countries participate in the project.

Info Box

More information: photon.si

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