
Radovljica Festival: Pastyme with good companye

CAPELLA DE LA TORRENGermany, Great Britain Julian Podger tenorJeremy West zincHildegard Wipperman dulcimer, recorderAnnette Hils dulcian, recorder...

Important information
Radovljika Manor, Radovljica
Facebook event
Entrance fee
15 EUR, 12* EUR

Germany, Great Britain

Julian Podger tenor
Jeremy West zinc
Hildegard Wipperman šalmaj, recorder
Annette Hills dulcian, recorder
Falko Munkwitz trombone
Johannes Vogt lute
Peter A. Bauer percussion instruments
Katharina Bäuml shalmaj, musical direction

Pastyme with good companye
Music for Henry VIII.

Schedule: Henry VIII, William Cornish, Robert Fayrfax, unknown composers


Henry VIII. (1491–1547) is best known for his six wives, his separation from Rome, and the establishment of the Church of England with the king as supreme head. But he was also a great lover of music: he got his first lute at the age of eight, played various wind and keyboard instruments, danced, sang and composed. In the manuscript of his compositions, which is kept in the British Museum, the music of other authors, which was performed at his court, has also been preserved. Together with excerpts from the texts of the time, it will take us through the ruler's life.

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