
Festival Yugorez II

For a dose of alternative music from excellent and up-and-coming musicians, you can head straight to Ostriga. Bands will perform: Barely Modern from Logatco, whose sound image is based on garage rock and roll flirting with indie rock; Vlasta Popić from Varaždin, who with her group will serve us with an upbeat post-punk band; Belgrade...

Important information
MKC At the red oyster, Partizanska cesta 1, Škofja Loka
Facebook event
Entrance fee
5 euros.

For a dose of alternative music from excellent and up-and-coming musicians, you can head straight to Ostriga. Bands will perform: Barely Modern from Logatco, whose sound image is based on garage rock and roll flirting with indie rock; Vlasta Popić from Varaždin, who with her group will serve us with an upbeat post-punk band; Belgrade group Petrol, which combines krautrock and postpunk, and relies on minimalistic instrumentation and hypnotic melodies.

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