
Zlata Paličica Festival – Ljubljana Puppet Theatre

The 16th international festival of children's performances of professional theaters, Zlata Paličica, which takes place every two years at the initiative of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, will offer performances by Slovenian theaters in the competition program, while children's and youth theaters from all over Europe will be guests in the accompanying program.

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Ljubljana Puppet Theater
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4.50 euros per individual performance

Zlata Paličica is a festival that takes place every two years at the initiative of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, and this year it will be the sixteenth time to enrich the autumn events. The expert committee selected 20 of the 51 performances, which will be shown between October 5 and 10.

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At this year's 16th Zlata paličica festival, the performances Lučka, grah i pero directed by Katja Povša, Lunožer by Juret Karas, the play Turlututu, Juri Muri dances in Africa, How to catch a star, About the fairy who sees in the dark, The Golden Bird, The Beast, The Little Foot, The Duck, Death and the Tulip, Gulliver's Travels, Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, Snow White, Cinderella and many others.

With this festival at the beginning of October, both children and eternal children at heart will come into their own.

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