
Festivalgo – Novogoriška summer festival 2010 (Eva Hren & Sladcore; Cana flamenca; Strizzy)

A vinyl market will also be held on Bevkovo trg all days of the festival. All events are free for visitors. You are welcome! ***********Splendid bar:* 15:30 Children's music and dance animation "Indian ...

Important information
Novogoriški poletni festival 2010, , Nova Gorica
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Na Bevkovem trgu bo vse dni festivala potekal tudi sejem vinilk. Vse prireditve so za obiskovalce brezplačne. Vljudno vabljeni!


Splendid bar:

* 15:30
Otroška glasbeno plesna animacija “Indijanska princesa”

* 16.30 – 18.30
Ustvarjalne delavnice “Vrtnica za mamico” in “Moje mesto”


Bevkov Trg:

* 20:30
Concert: Eva Hren in Sladcore
Concert: Cana flamenca


Poletna scena KGŠ:

* 20:00
Film: Boye – Prvi pravi ženski zvok ;
Film: Slive so zrele

* 23:00
Concert: Strizzy


Bar Center:

* 24:00
After party: DJ Aleksij


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