
Filipino students must plant at least 10 trees if they want to finish school!

Filipino students must plant at least 10 trees if they want to finish school!

Individuals, countries, corporations, businesses and non-governmental organizations all over the world are working to save the planet from the catastrophe that threatens us if we continue to pollute and encroach on the environment. Some do it with purer intentions, others use it to serve. Some are more successful, others less so. Among the good and effective models of caring for the environment, we can definitely count the new Philippine law, which orders students to plant at least 10 trees if they want to finish school - a concept that could certainly be transferred to the Slovenian school system and would (of course, teachers and pupils/students) benefited.

A new Philippine law mandates students to plant at least 10 trees if they want to graduate from school. This law applies to pupils/students at all levels of schooling - from elementary school to university students. According to the law, the State Ministry of Education is responsible for introducing this practice in schools and colleges, Ministry of Environment and Agriculture however, it is negotiable for the supply of seeds, seedlings, basic instructions for carrying out planting and for taking care of the trees once they are planted.

Pupils and students can plant trees in forests, gardens, urban environment, abandoned places or nature reserves – in doing so, they must follow the guidelines of which type of tree may be planted in which area of the country.

Students will have to plant trees in order to finish school.
Students will have to plant trees in order to finish school.

The law was passed as part of the intergenerational responsibility to protect the environment, and it will at least be planted in the Philippines 175 million new trees per year.

It is a concept that would it certainly made sense to transfer it to the Slovenian school system as well. Besides the obvious direct positive effect on the environment such a project also has a lot of other indispensable advantages - children, adolescents and young adults will be personally engaged to take care of the environment and will understand that the future of the earth is also their direct responsibility. They will acquire new important skills that are being lost all too quickly in today's automated and technologically advanced society. Besides, they will in contact with nature, which has a beneficial effect on humans and has many beneficial health, psychological and physical effects.

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