The Slovenian premiere of the feature film co-produced by Arsmedia, Jadran film Zagreb, RTV Slovenia and Maribor 2012 will be accompanied by a team of creators. This time, director and screenwriter Marko Naberšnik filmed a love story based on a book proposal by Feri Lainšček. The story follows the Roma king Lutvi, who through...
The Slovenian premiere of the feature film co-produced by Arsmedia, Jadran film Zagreb, RTV Slovenia and Maribor 2012 will be accompanied by a team of creators. This time, director and screenwriter Marko Naberšnik filmed a love story based on a book proposal by Feri Lainšček. The story follows the Roma king Lutvi, who rises above the law through bribery. When, after the collapse of Yugoslavia, he begins to take advantage of his village of Shanghai by selling weapons, he has to decide between his family or his business ambitions...