
Filmorama - the arrival of the first online show about movies

The film inspires, educates, entertains and, in one way or another, takes us on a journey of incredible adventures, emotions, dramaturgical plots, various characters and an imaginary world that we have loved entering for more than a century. That's why the team of the first web show about films, Filmorame, has prepared a show dedicated exclusively to new films and interesting things related to them.

Filmorama is a project of a driven, independent team that wants to contribute to the development of Slovenian online production. In addition to distributors, with independent films, Kinodvor, the city of cinema, also joined them.

He hosts the show Neža Rupnik, which is also known to viewers of Television Slovenia for its appearances in shows such as Ugani, ko pride na večje, Poletna scena and Dobra ura.

There will be a show twice a month represented the latest movies, introduced you to all the news about the actors, directors and other participants, offered you details from behind the scenes of filming, and at the same time informed you through a pleasant atmosphere and a mix of different contents about everything you want to know about the new films that are just coming to Slovenian cinemas.

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