
Loti and the secret of the moonstone

One night, Loti finds a stone that has a mysterious power. But who does it belong to? Her uncle Klaus, an old seasoned traveler, knows of two more such stones that his friends keep. Loti persuades him to go on a journey together and look for them. Lota's dad is an inventor, so he builds a very special vehicle for them, with ...

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One night, Loti finds a stone that has a mysterious power. But who does it belong to? Her uncle Klaus, an old seasoned traveler, knows of two more such stones that his friends keep. Loti persuades him to go on a journey together and look for them. Lota's father is an inventor, so he builds them a very special vehicle with which they can travel. But strange strangers, timid rabbits with three ears, are also looking for the stones. The journey is full of surprises, mischievous and even more unusual than a curious little dog can imagine. The animated adventure is dubbed into Slovenian.


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