The creators of the live-action version of the 1991 animated classic Beauty and the Beast recently released the first photos from the set of the highly-anticipated film, which you can see below, as well as who the actors and voices behind the recognizable characters are. timeless Disney cartoons.
Since making the rounds online months ago irritant for the film adaptation of the Disney classic Beauty and the Beast starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, we didn't know much about the highly anticipated fantasy musical coming to the big screen March 17, 2017. The wait is now over!
READ MORE: Movie trailer: Beauty and the Beast (2017)
The creators have provided the first photos from the shoot, which you can see below, as well as who will be who in the animated version of Disney cartoons from 1991, which was based on the book classic Madame de Villeneuve and emphasizes the message that looks aren't everything, but that kindness and kindness are extremely important.
Photos from the shooting of Beauty and the Beast (2017):
Who's Who in Beauty and the Beast (2017):
Teaser for Beauty and the Beast (2017):