
The first self-driving truck passed its driving test – Inspiration Truck

The Freightliner Inspiration is a high-tech truck and the first of its kind that will be able to drive itself.

After last year the Diamler concern through Mercedes with the Future Truck 2025 study had already made us more expensive with a self-driving truck, 16 thousand kilometers of testing on a closed track in Papenburg and a few upgrades later the permission to drive on normal roads was given to its successor the Inspiration Truck, under which also signed Daimler's Freightliner. Is this the end of overtired truck drivers?

Department Daimler Trucks and Buses concern Daimler it follows the steps Google, as he himself made a quantum leap in the field of traffic safety and prepared his first self-driving vehicle - a truck with the option of autopilot Freightliner Inspiration Truck. It is the first ever self-driving truck in the world, which uses a technology tested last year, which has proven to be able to take over the driving of a heavy-duty vehicle. Unlike Google's Inspiration car, it has steering wheel and pedals.

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Drivers of the Freightliner Inspiration will be able to crack even while driving on the highway.
Drivers of the Freightliner Inspiration will be able to crack even while driving on the highway.

The Daimler Inspiration is equipped with autopilot technology Highway Pilot (system of stereo cameras and radars), which has already proven itself on public roads, and the work of the engineers was put to the test on the roads in Nevada in the United States of America. He did this with distinction, which you can also see in the attached video clip.

Beyond the puddle is an enabling truck autonomous driving, already got the necessary permit to drive on public roads, but soon, if the German Ministry of Transport issues all the necessary permits, it should also drive on German roads.

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