
First time in kindergarten

As a rule, children are admitted to kindergarten from the age of one or even earlier. When it's time to send your little one to kindergarten, we offer all the support. A new experience can be a real shock for a child. The most important are the first conversations with the teacher, with whom we will discuss the child's habits,...

As a rule, children are admitted to kindergarten from the age of one or even earlier. When it's time to send your little one to kindergarten, we offer all the support. A new experience can be a real shock for a child. The most important are the first conversations with the teacher, with whom we will discuss the child's habits, biological rhythm, favorite toys, food, his health, what makes him happy and what comforts him when he is sad. This is also an opportunity to talk about all the fears and concerns that burden us regarding childcare. In this way, we will also gain trust in the kindergarten and the teacher who will look after our little one. It takes time for a child to get used to independence and a new social environment. He might only need us for a few days, maybe more. It is important to take the time to focus on introducing him for the few days before we finally leave him alone in the kindergarten. Let's follow his mood and reactions. In the beginning, let's pick up the little one as early as possible and at the same time. If this is not possible, we explain to him that we have to go to work and come to pick him up as soon as we finish. Children have a biological clock in them and they know very well when the moment has arrived when we will show up at the door. The rhythm of arrivals and departures that we will introduce will instill security and confidence in the little one. Farewell to the child should be short, because most people find it even more difficult to part with their parents after a long goodbye. Children can quickly become part of a group and form their first friendships. Many factors affect the child's mood during this time, so he is much more sensitive to disagreements in the family, moving, cries more than usual, his immunity drops and he is susceptible to a wide variety of diseases, which are a natural defense against the stress he experiences. Even the food in kindergarten is different than at home, which causes many problems. The crisis due to entering the kindergarten becomes apparent only after a few weeks. As with adults, the conversation will also mean a lot to the child. Let's explain to him why we are taking him to kindergarten. If the child has his favorite toy, we take it with us when we take him to kindergarten. Finally, let's not forget a smile and a kind word every time we leave him at kindergarten.





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