

The only professional flamenco band in Slovenia will excite music and dance enthusiasts. With Ana Pandur Predin and Vita Marenče Group, we will enjoy original dance and music, which are anchored in traditional flamenco, recognized for guitar, dance, clapping, vocals,... PKD Flamenco combines all this with jazz...

Important information
Mini theater, Križevniška ulica 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The only professional flamenco band in Slovenia will excite music and dance enthusiasts. With Ana Pandur Predin and Vito Marenče Group, we will enjoy original dance and music, which are anchored in traditional flamenco, recognized by guitar, dance, clapping, vocals, .... PKD Flamenco combines all this with jazz improvisation, Indian classical rhythms, Balkan and Arab melos and elements of contemporary dance. Passions will be further stirred by a guitarist who will accompany the girls on stage, which is an exception in Slovenia.

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