
Flic - an application with which you can easily get rid of excess photos on the iPhone

Ever since digital photography accompanied us, we have become photographically extravagant. It's not just our SD cards, smartphones are also crumbling under the weight of photos, regardless of whether we have 128 or 8 GB of space. Flic is an application that allows iPhone users to organize their Camera Roll, a collection of photos, and easily get rid of excess or unwanted photos.

Application platform Flash based on the popular dating app Tinder. After appears on the screen one photo and if you want to keep it, you get it right, if not, to the left. The latter end up "only" in the Trash and are there until you drive past the "garbage truck" and, if you cancel your decisions earlier, you only really delete them here. Otherwise you can cancel the selection already within the application with the "Undo" option (top right).

Get rid of redundant photos in a quick and easy way.
Get rid of redundant photos in a quick and easy way.

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During sorting or deleting Flic shows how many bytes "lighter" your phone and you with monthly reminders encourages you to start cleaning regularly or at least on a less campaign basis. It is currently available for approx. 80 cents, but the regular price will be slightly higher, namely 1.5 euros.

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