
Flike - the drones we will ride are only a matter of time

Flike - an "unmanned" aircraft with a man on board.

... or in this case, the will of the investors, because Flike is ready to fly into the sky together with a person, if only the investors will smell the potential in the next stage of the evolution of unmanned aircraft. Flike is the first drone that we will be able to ride and has already successfully passed the first test flights with a human on board. The project, which emerged in 2014, is behind a group of aviation enthusiasts at Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd., the largest applied research institute in Hungary.

It only took half a year for the idea to grow drone concept Movies, which experienced its christening flight at the airport Miskolc in Hungary, and a further three, that he also raised a man. Now the team at Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd. he is working on another prototype, which will already closely resemble the final product. In the final phase, he will also make a pilgrimage to crowdfunding platform.

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Will I ever commute like this?
Will I ever commute like this?

It's a flick an electric drone that can be ridden by a human. Drone is probably no longer the right term, because it is no longer an unmanned aircraft. It is the result of engineering and electronics of the 21st century and is the very light means of transportation of the future. Its power source is lithium polymer battery, which enables hovering from 15 to 20 minutes. Like any helicopter, the Flike can tilt, turn, climb and descend. And if you are skeptical about its security, everything is in your hands via flight computer.

First manned drone flight:

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