
Flowgrind International SK8 contest in Nova Gorica

After a year and a half, according to Go Skatepark, the mecca of Slovenian skateboarding in Novi Gore, in the second weekend of May, we will be able to relive last year's Flowgrind contest, which will thus have an even more adrenaline-filled continuation - the Flowgrind International SK8 contest.

Important information
Go Skatepark
Facebook event
Entrance fee
No information

Three days adrenaline. Skating, hanging out, partying. Flowgrind International SK8 contest invites us to an extremely inviting skateboarding event, which has almost no equal in our country and which is also proof that it is from Novi Gori Go Skatepark come to life in all its glory.

After Friday, which will be a bit more relaxed, as it will be dedicated to training, registration, a night skateboard session and warming up in Mostovna with a band concert Happy Ol' McWeasel, Unbelievable, Outta Head, followed by Saturday with morning training and with the qualifications that will announce the finalists, and Sunday, when the finalists will be able to compete in two final series. May the best win!

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