
Flying cars by Sylvain Viau

Flying cars by Sylvain Viau.

Citroën is synonymous with comfort in the automotive world. It started in 1946, when one of the prototypes was equipped with hydraulic suspension. Everything else is history. In between, they also got the nickname the flying carpet. In the following, you will see "flying carpets" as imagined by the French artist Sylvain Viau. Instead of a mechanical workshop, he masterfully "modified" cars of various brands in a graphics program.

Similar to the series Air Drive by Frenchman Renaud Marion, it is also Sylvain Viau decided to retro-futurism and digitally converted old car models (own, from friends and others) into flying vehicles. This is how another interesting series of photos of "flying carpets" with steel horses was created dropped their wheels and rose from the ground like Birdman.

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