
Follow the action from the Apple event "Hey Siri, give us a hint" on September 9, 2015 live

Apple event, September 9, 2015

While most of us in the Northern Hemisphere have already put up our tents as the holidays and summer are over, that's not the case for Apple fans, who already the day before Apple's big event on September 9, 2015, which this year is called ``Hey Siri, give us a hint'', and to which they count down more fervently than they will camp out in front of Apple stores on New Year's Eve. It is probably the most anticipated event of the year in the technological world, starting at 7 p.m. Slovenian time, where Apple will present many innovations and which we will also report to you.

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San Francisco
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge

September 9 has become synonymous with Apple's a special event where it presents its biggest innovations. A gala event so big it stops the world for a moment, you will be able to Live monitored from 7 p.m. Slovenian time, when the American technology giant from San Francisco will allegedly present a new version of the iPhone 6 model namely iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, the second generation of Apple TV Apple TV, a refreshed Macbook and iPad mini 4, a larger version of the iPad Air tablet and new accessories for Apple Watch smart watch, we should also be treated to operating system release dates iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan and Watch OS 2.

READ MORE: Apple introduced a new generation of iPod players

What are Apple and Tim Cook preparing for us this time?
What are Apple and Tim Cook preparing for us this time?

And if you could only follow the event of all events live last year users of the X operating system or browser users Safari, this time Apple does not "discriminate" and they will be able to enjoy the action from San Francisco live users of all browsers and also Windows users.

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