
What is the fastest way to charge your phone? Follow these tips…

Photo: envato

Wondering the fastest way to charge your phone? These tips may come in handy.

What is the fastest way to charge your phone? You're ready to leave home when your phone warns you that the battery is actually dead. Simple, you forgot to charge it. It happens! With these tips, you will ensure that your phone's battery will be full again sooner.

Put your phone into airplane mode

A good first step to charging your phone faster is to switch to airplane mode, which turns off Wi-Fi, cellular data, and Bluetooth. This prevents the battery from draining faster. This means you won't be able to receive messages or browse the web, but you'll save energy because your phone won't be constantly searching for connections.

Photo: envato

Switch to low power mode

Instead of switching to airplane mode, consider switching your phone to low power mode (called “Battery Saver” or “Power Saving Mode”). Namely, this reduces the amount of energy that the phone needs to operate by disabling functions that consume a lot of battery.

Turn off your phone

It probably goes without saying that you should resist the temptation to use your phone at all while charging, as the battery will charge more slowly as a result. But if you really want to increase the charging speed, turn off the phone completely. Since the phone will not use any power to operate, it will charge even faster.

Photo: Unsplash/Steve Johnson

Close apps you're not using

You may not realize it, but apps on your phone can drain your battery even when you're not using them. They can run in the background and send you updates and notifications, causing the phone to heat up and use more power.

Plug it into a wall outlet

What is the fastest way to charge your phone? Charging your phone in the car or via a USB port on your computer can be convenient, but a wall outlet will usually charge your phone the fastest.

Photo: Unsplash/Nathan Waters

Use a stronger adapter

It's also helpful to have a high-powered adapter that works faster than the charger that came with your phone. Find an outlet, plug in the adapter and connect it to your phone.

Keep your phone out of extreme weather conditions

Extreme heat and cold can damage battery capacity and cause the phone to run and charge more slowly. The inside and outside of the phone will heat up quickly while charging, and the phone's software may limit or stop charging altogether when the phone heats up above the recommended temperature.


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