
Foodography – a treat for foodies and food photography obsessives


Are you also obsessed with food photography? Enjoying food through a lens? Then watch out! The latest trend among Foodie Instagrammers now are special Foodography dinners and workshops in Israel. So if you were wondering why young people are flocking there lately, it's not some religious event, but the fault of Carmel Winery, one of the oldest wineries there, which turned the promised land for the Jews into the promised land for a generation of foodie Instagrammers.

Foodography it is five-course meal, prepared by chef Meir Adoni, owner of the renowned Tel Aviv restaurant Catit. He drew inspiration for the dishes from red wine, and he serves them stylishly perfect, to truly charm those who are obsessed with photographing and posting food on Instagram.

Foodograpfy in element.
Foodograpfy in element.

For such events, Carmel Winery also connected with the potter Adi Nissani, who designed on this occasion two unique plates. The first, named ”360”, is rotatable and rotates uniformly. It allows us to photograph food from every angle without any problems. It's the second one "Limbo", a plate with smartphone holder and large "curtains" that cover the disturbing background. This combination allows for a flawless meal photo every time.

READ MORE: Outdoor culinary events beckon

"Good run, but the picture needs to go on Instagram first."
"Good run, but first the picture has to go on Instagram."

Foodography is not just about lunch. Is also workshop, where Israel's best food photographers teach you and share tips and tricks on smartphone photography. In addition to them, there are also among the guests cooking bloggers, well chefs from Michelin-starred restaurants and wine critics, who share their experiences with culinary photography with the participants.

To get a taste of what it's all about, check out the videos:


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