
For faster hair growth: Try the secret tricks of Indian women

Want to try speeding up hair growth? Indian vlogger and beauty guru Sushmita revealed what tricks she uses for faster hair growth. Here are her tips.

We women try all kinds of things to accelerated hair growth. We try essential oils, cut our hair right before the full moon, apply shampoos designed for this, even proverbially effective foods and eat food supplements designed for this. A lot of the above helps, but a lot, frankly, doesn't.

Indian women attach great importance to long, beautiful and strong hair

Genes have a great influence on strong and long hair. And they are very fond of Indian women. In addition, Indian women devote much more time and attention to hair care, and they also give much more importance to beautiful and long hair. Homemade recipes and hair care tips are passed down from generation to generation in Indian families and often remain hidden from other curious people.

An Indian vlogger revealed some great tricks to help her hair grow faster

Lucky for us, she is an increasingly popular Indian YouTube vlogger Sushmita (Sushmita's Diaries), otherwise a hair care guru, revealed some hair care tricks of Indian women.

Tricks that are supposed to speed up hair growth

1st trick for faster hair growth: Massage the scalp with aloe vera juice.

Cut aloe vera leaves in half, squeeze out the juice and massage it into the scalp. Leave on for at least two hours or overnight. Then rinse as usual.

Aloe Vera is a wonderful skin care agent (Photo: Shutterstock)
Aloe Vera is a wonderful skin care agent (Photo: Shutterstock)

2nd trick for faster hair growth: Massage the scalp with panthenol (provitamin B5).

Wash your hair as usual. Then massage panthenol foam or gel into the hair and especially the scalp. This will also reduce static electricity, dryness, brittleness of hair, hair loss and dandruff. Rinse thoroughly.

3rd trick for faster hair growth: Always wash your hair with cold water.

We know, it's not that simple, because warm water warms us so nicely. But it's really not recommended for hair. Warm water opens the hair and thus makes it more susceptible to external influences, which makes the hair brittle and damaged and difficult to reach the desired length.

4th trick for faster hair growth: Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar (and beer also has a great effect on your hair).

Apple cider vinegar activates hair follicles and thus creates thicker hair. It will be enough if you use homemade apple cider vinegar a few times a month instead of conditioner. Do not rinse at all, the strong smell will disappear. The same applies to beer, which is high in vitamin B.

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5th trick for faster hair growth: Make a mask of egg whites for your hair.

Beat two egg whites into snow and apply it to the scalp. For greater effect, wrap your hair in a warm towel so that the scalp absorbs the ingredients. Rinse thoroughly.

Whip the egg white and apply it to the scalp (Photo: Shutterstock)
Whip the egg white and apply it to the scalp. (Photo: Shutterstock)

6th trick for faster hair growth: Prepare a mask of egg and cognac.

With this mask, you strengthen your hair and also stimulate hair growth. Thoroughly mix two eggs and a dash of cognac and massage into the scalp. If you would like to apply the mask to the entire length of your hair, add olive oil. This will help to soften the hair.

7th trick for faster hair growth: Use essential oils.

The following essential oils have positive effects on hair growth and hair strength: jojoba, almond, lavender, rosemary and thyme. Mix them in small amounts in shampoo or in a coconut oil mask and apply to the scalp. Leave it on for 2-3 hours. Rinse thoroughly several times.

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Many Indian women apply it to the entire length of their hair before every wash coconut oil, comb through and leave to act for several hours. Hair should be shinier, nourished and more lush after the first application. Be sure to use good quality cold-pressed coconut oil.

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Sushmita's Diaries

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