
It's disgraceful for normal women: 10 things only jealous women do

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Some women are jealous and envy their friends and acquaintances' job, business success, maybe even an attractive and loving husband. They talk about you, about your life, but only in a negative sense. They want to cover up their mistakes and lack of confidence!

Women could often look up to men and take life a little less seriously in certain aspects. Life is too short to worry about what other people are like. Women are often their own worst enemies, even though they give this title to men.

Men are competitive, not jealous. Jealousy presupposes some scheming and this is again a cliché we associate with women.

Let's take a look at how women scheme, but lest you think that only women do it, many men with a lot of feminine energy also do the things listed below!

1. Humiliating names

Giving other women derogatory names associated with the female gender is very uncivilized. It's not your problem how many partners a woman has had, how she's progressed in her career, or the fact that she's cheating on her husband.

2. Commenting on someone else's appearance

It is one of the favorite pastimes of women, and at the same time, it is also a way to boost one's self-confidence and ego. The problem is that women judge people who view a woman's body as a "piece of meat", when in fact they are doing it themselves.

3. Seducing a busy man

First, a man who is easily seduced and kidnapped by another woman is not a catch! The same thing can happen to you, so you should never even think about it. Avoid this, especially if children are involved. Don't do to others what you wouldn't want someone to do to you! Do you want another woman to take over your man?

4. Blaming the partner for cheating on another woman

Women should stop looking for someone to blame for their partner's cheating on another woman. This woman is not in a relationship with you, she owes you nothing. He may not even know you exist. Remember that he is the one who betrayed you!

Doing to others doesn't hurt, but it does hurt when they do to you, right?
Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

5. Spreading gossip

It's one thing to comment about others with your best friend, it's quite another to spread unverified information about other women! This tells others who you are, not about her.

6. Inappropriate praise

"Your hair is great, but now it looks shorter" or "Did you wash your hair, is it really nice now?" – these are not compliments. If you don't have the right compliment, keep quiet.

7. Avoiding conversations

Such behavior in women is nothing strange. She will tell everyone why and how her colleague or friend bothered her, but she will ignore them.

8. Revealing other people's secrets

If you promised to keep quiet - do it! Remember to treat someone else's secrets the way you would want others to treat yours. By doing so, you show respect for the person who trusted you, while at the same time revealing that you are a man of your word.

9. Competition and Gaming

Another woman's success can be a great motivation and example. On the other hand, it can also be a source of frustration and an excuse for your passivity. The world is not so small that only one woman can succeed! If another woman bothers you, don't be a hypocrite, just don't hang out with her.

10. Choosing a partner

Whether it's a friend or a sister, women often feel they have the right to gossip about someone else's partner. You have no right to judge someone else's choices, nor can you know all the details of their relationship!

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