
For real hedonists: the sexiest retro cameras

The retro design is a feast for the eyes in the world of one-of-a-kind digital cameras. What are the sexiest retro cameras that even the biggest hedonists wouldn't resist.

The camera is a tool with which you can let's stop time and at any time let's relive it again. And although his is the most important capacity, his is also important at the same time appearance. Many cameras nowadays are very similar and rather monotonous. Some companies therefore return to their roots and every now and then serve a product that reminds of the old days. These cameras look like time has really stood still. And we think they are very sexy!

Sexiest retro cameras:

Nikon Df

Nikon Df
Nikon Df

The idea behind the Df camera was simple. Take the case old camera to film and him digitize. Df is thus a tribute to legendary analogue models Nikon F. The design is strongly reminiscent of the times of the previous millennium and is sure to attract curious glances. A case of Full-frame DSLR, which accepts the vast majority of Nikkor lenses due to the F mount. Resolution sensor 16.2MP it's showing a bit of its age, but the specs aren't bad by any means, so that's why Nikon Df still a great decision for a good camera with a pinch of nostalgia.

Leica M10-P

Leica M10-P
Leica M10-P

Leica is behind him a very rich photographic history, so it is logical that we know it as one of the better brands for cameras. While other manufacturers followed new trends and simultaneously changed the design of their devices, Leica remained true to its own classic look. The mentioned model is just one of the multitude of retro cameras offered by the German giant. Physical metal buttons to change the ISO value and shutter speed are met with more modern grips such as touch screen. But perfect design costs money, so they will M10-P could only be afforded by those with deep pockets.

Hasselblad X1D II 50c

Hasselblad X1D II 50c
Hasselblad X1D II 50c

Hasselblad is in the world of cameras Medium format has reigned for many years. The most iconic photos from the surface of the Moon were taken exactly with their model 500C. The Swedish manufacturer still impresses today with quality products that every photographer would want. X1D II 50c it is Medium format mirrorless camera with a resolution sensor 50MP. This format is slower to find focus, but makes up for it with incredibly sharp and colorful ones photographs.

Fujifilm X-T3

One of the best cameras of last year nicely complements its retro design with the latest technology. Even otherwise, Fujifilm is a fan of the vintage look, which many users really like. Camera APS-C format it has everything a modern camera needs. Touch screen, fast focus, quality video, taking pictures in what 30 frames per second, an attractive array of good lenses, and on and on.

Fujifilm X100F

Another Fujifilm made it to our list. That's because he's a model X100F went"all-in” in terms of vintage look. A case of compact the camera version, that is smaller case with fixed lens 23mm f/2. Style Models "range finder” (the peephole is located on the far left side) are a real rarity these days. Despite its compact design, it does not disappoint in the field of photography and creates very beautiful shots.

Olympus E-M10 Mk III

Olympus E-M10 Mk III
Olympus E-M10 Mk III

E-M10 Mk III it is a great all-round camera, which is due to low prices all the more tempting. And yet retro it is! Camera Micro 4/3 format it brings many useful functions in a small case, which users will be very happy with. Fast focusing, 5-axis sensor stabilization and 4K video they are just the beginning. We hardly need a bag for it, as it is big enough to fit in a jacket pocket.

Sigma SD Quattro H

Sigma SD Quattro H
Sigma SD Quattro H

This Japanese company is otherwise better known as lens manufacturer, well but also sells its own cameras. It's really hard to place the SD Quattro H in a certain time period, but it certainly has a lot of design unique. Interesting design with deep holder is intended ergonomic and comfortable wear. Sensor APS-H format and resolutions 45MP can capture truly stunning photos.

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