
You will need 4 hands for this special condom! (Video)

This time, an Argentinian company that produces toys for adults has prepared a very special condom that will require 4 hands.

A condom Tulip, which they named "condom with consent", emphasizes the importance of consensual sex – that is consent of both partners.

It is packed in the box they are on 4 buttons, which must be pressed simultaneously, so two pairs of hands are needed to even open the package and use the condom.

"If it's not yes, then it's no", it says on the packaging of the condom, which is coming to the market at the end of this year.

Otherwise, the French Minister of Health, Agnes Buzny, also showed support for safe intimate relationships at the end of last year. The French will get it now reimbursed the costs of using certain protection (if they have a prescription).

How do we deal with risky sex?

In the case of unprotected risky sexual intercourse, NIJZ recommends a doctor's visit in case of signs of infection (changes on the external genitalia, redness, pain, itching, discharge) or HIV testing and viruses hepatitis. Early detection contributes to a better outcome of the disease and prevents the spread of the disease. Evita Leskovšek from NIJZ says: "Young people should be encouraged to have responsible sex and to think about postponing sexual intercourse, and above all consistent protection with condoms, whenever sexual contact is involved with a person we are not absolutely sure is not a carrier of sexually transmitted infections." It is also necessary also remind adults about risks and protection, because HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections know no borders and no age limits.

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