
Ford focus electric - even the blue oval has an electric one

Ford is preparing a real small offensive of more environmentally friendly models. The first to hit the roads is the hybrid Mondeo, which we can expect on the roads in May, which means less than half a year behind the other versions. The second will be the plug and hybrid C-max, which is already sold on the other side of the Atlantic, and the same applies to the third in the queue, which is also already on sale in certain EU markets, and it is a fully electric Focus.

It can be recognized by the characteristic engine mask (it is a model before the renovation, which we have already written about recently), but otherwise there are no big differences between this electric and the other versions of the focus. The exterior image is still very dynamic, and the electric drive is actually only evidenced by a small number of electric inscriptions (on the side and rear) and a special opening for connecting a special cable to the network, the opening of which rotates interestingly for the eyes by pressing a special place.

The interior is very similar to that of ordinary Focuses, the only special features are the blue ambient lighting and the automatic gearshift lever. In terms of comfort and spaciousness, it is also completely comparable to the others.
The interior is very similar to that of ordinary Focuses, the only special features are the blue ambient lighting and the automatic gearshift lever. In terms of comfort and spaciousness, it is also completely comparable to the others.

In terms of spaciousness and dynamics, like the others

Even inside, the differences are really small, but in fact they are mainly concentrated around the gauges and the extension of the center console, where the automatic gear lever is located. It is also comparable in terms of spaciousness to the other Focuses, only the trunk is less bulky due to the battery assembly in the bottom and between the rear bench and the luggage compartment.

The biggest difference inside is between the gauges, which boast a digital display system for driving key data. In addition to the speedometer, it focuses on information about the performance of the powertrain and the efficient use of energy.
The biggest difference inside is between the gauges, which boast a digital display system for driving key data. In addition to the speedometer, it focuses on information about the performance of the powertrain and the efficient use of energy.

The battery assembly consists of a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 23 kWh, which was developed in cooperation with LG chem. For optimal performance and as long a life as possible, the battery pack has an added cooling and heating system, with which the batteries should last at least ten years without a significant loss of battery capacity. The system thus cools the batteries during high summer temperatures, and vice versa, additionally heats them during low temperatures.

Battery charging (also) for only 1 euro

The driver does not notice this in any case, but with one charge he has enough energy available to travel distances of up to 162 km with the Focus, and for the most efficient use of electricity, the brake coach system has also been added, which with the help of percentage calculation and animation suggests how to drive most optimally.

READ MORE: Renault ZOE – a real C-segment electric hatchback

The vehicle can be charged via any classic socket (also domestic), where charging takes 10-11 hours with the latter (i.e. voltage 10A), and with higher voltages (16A or 32A) charging takes 6-7 or even only 3-4 hours . At the same time, Ford states that it is possible to charge the Focus Electric for only 1 euro (without taxes) in the cheapest tariff, which is an extremely low cost for a good 150 km of driving.

The electric focus, despite the fact that it was introduced two years ago and is the current version, already has an Aston Martin hood. However, before arriving on our market, it will certainly undergo a renovation, which will affect the other versions before the end of the year.
The electric focus, despite the fact that it was introduced two years ago and is the current version, already has an Aston Martin hood. However, before arriving on our market, it will certainly undergo a renovation, which will affect the other versions before the end of the year.

When driving, the focus electric drives in a similar sporty manner as the "regular" versions of this model, except that the acceleration from standstill and between accelerations are surprisingly fast, and when driving through bends, the higher weight of the vehicle is somewhat noticeable, although it is not cumbersome and heavy. The driving pleasure is similar to the power of the other Focuses, with the exception of the special features brought by the electric drive.

The Focus electric has been on sale for some time in certain markets, such as France, and there, considering the subsidy, buyers can get it for 39,990 euros. Compared to the competition, even French in the form of the Renault ZOE, this is no small feat. And in terms of price, Ford will still have to do a lot to make the Focus Electric competitive. The technology is ready, it's just too expensive.

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