
Forget about dusting for more than a week with the help of this miracle ingredient!

Photo: envato

Tired of dusting every day? Want to find a way to keep your home spotlessly clean without spending hours cleaning? Imagine being able to forget about dusting for days. Sounds almost impossible, right?

There is a secret ingredient that allows you to forget about dusting for at least 7 days! In everyday life, dust seems invincible. Every day we face the same challenge again - how to preserve surfaces in impeccably clean, without spending a lot of time and energy?

Forget dusting!

The solution lies in an ancient trick used by museums to keep exhibits dust-free. A case of glycerin. This simple liquid has miraculous dust repellency, meaning your home can stay shiny and clean without constant mopping.

But that's not all, glycerin is also a great helper in stain removal. Don't believe it? Read on.

Are you getting dusty? Photo: Cottonbro studio / Pexels

How can we use glycerin?

1. Sparkling clean floors

How to achieve a clean, shiny floor? Add a few drops of glycerin to a bucket of water. This will strengthen the cleaning power of the water and the floor will be shiny and clean.

2. Get rid of dust in the long run

One of the most magical properties of glycerin is that it repels dust for a long time. Moisten a cloth with a liquid containing glycerin and wipe surfaces around your home. The result? Dust free for at least 10 days.

3. Effective removal of stains from clothes

Glycerin is not only a means of keeping the surface dust-free, but it is also effective in removing stains from clothes. Add a few drops of glycerin to water with a little salt and you will remove stains without a trace.

We have a solution for you! Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

4. Maintenance of leather furniture

For all leather furniture lovers, glycerin is the key to maintaining beauty and durability. Simply wipe the scratched areas with a cotton cloth moistened with glycerin and your furniture will be as good as new.

5. Crystal clear windows

Windows are often the target of dust and dirt. Mix glycerin with ethyl alcohol and wipe the glasses. The result is windows that shine in the sun without any trace of dust.

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